Die G8 wollen Unternehmen in punkto Transparenz im Rohstoffbereich stärker in die Pflicht nehmen. Der Vorsitzendende der NGO Global Witness, Simon Taylor spricht dem Afrikabeauftragten der Bundeskanzlerin, Günter Nooke in einem Brief sein Lob und seinen Dank für das deutsche Engagement aus. Es folgt ein Auszug aus dem Schreiben:
„(…) We are now past the final Trialogue meeting on the EU’s Transparency Directive, and I am delighted that the Counsel has endorsed the final agreement. It has been a long process, especially if one adds it to that which took place leading up to the creation of Dodd-Frank 1504 and the subsequent rule-making process. I hope you are as pleased as we are with the final result. As we have discussed a few times, though the creation of this new global standard of transparency (and hence accountability) for the extractive sector (which the EU can now proudly consider itself to be a key part of) is not the complete „answer“ to all aspects of the resource curse, we do consider it to be a vital step in that process. At any rate, I wanted to send you my thanks for all the time you gave us to discuss these matters and our gratitude for your help in getting us to this stage. We are hugely grateful. (…)”